This is my collection of creation resources and tutorials that I have gathered on my own journey as a CC creator. Since this is my own collection, it does not include all resources available and is heavily focused on CAS. I hope you use this to start your cc and mod journey!
If you'd like to add something to the notebook, feel free to submit a link on my blog.
Assembled by MMOutfitters
Last updated: Dec 25, 2021
Notes (as of Dec 25, 2021):
How to navigate: Use the search bar and bread crumb menu to navigate between pages.
Custom Content Creators
There are a ton of resources out there and it can be really overwhelming! If you have never made CC before, I would recommend starting with Recolor Tutorials. While you do not alter the mesh for a recolors, it very helpful to review CC Fundamentals Tutorial: Mesh, UV Map, & Texture to get a good foundation of what CC actually is.
If you're comfortable with recolors and would like to begin making your own meshes, start with Blender Tutorials and Frankenmesh Tutorials.
Mod Creators
To start making basic mods, you need to be familiar with XML and S4 Studio files. Check out Sims 4 Mod Tutorial Database to get started!
<aside> 📌 I do not take responsibility or credit for any of the resources in this space, unless stated otherwise. All credit goes to the original URL poster and/or video channel. If there is a page without a source URL, please let me know.
<aside> ⭐ For the best experience, I recommend downloading Notion (totally free!) and duplicating this space to keep on your own Desktop. Read here for more instructions.