Sims 4 Studio requires Blender v2.7 be used to import meshes into the program. S4Studio will automatically download 2.70a if no other version of 2.7 is downloaded on your computer. For some tutorials in this space, you will need 2.79 or even 2.78.

Get 2.70a here | Get 2.79 here | Get 2.78 here

<aside> ⚠️ Blender v2.8 and up (which are used for blender renders and poses) are NOT backwards compatible with v2.7. If you open a v2.7 file in v2.8, the 2.7 will be corrupted and you will lose all your work. Work around to this problem found here.


Blender 101

Blender Beginner Tutorial Series

Blender 2.70 (for first time users)

RavasheenCC - Blender Basics Tutorial

Sims 4 Studio - Blender Tutorial Links

Blender Camera Controls and Tools

RavasheenCC - Blender GUI Tutorial

The Draw Curve Tool for Beginners

Blender - UV Mapping & Unwrapping - Blender Fundamentals

Cheat Sheets

Teanmoon - Handy Dandy Blender Cheat Sheet

Blender Full Keyboard Shortcuts

Other tutorials

Kouukie - Proportional editing in Blender