Sims 4 Studio - Cut numbers: an easy explanation

EF11Sweatpants_Diamond - 3 Cuts

Suggested Clones for using the Skirt Bones:

(There are no 1 cut options for adults)

yfBody_DODDressOffShoulder | 3 Cuts | Knee Length

yfBody_DressBoatNeck | 3 Cuts | Knee Length

yfBody_DressMaxi | 4 Cuts | Ankle Length

ymBody_TowelPlush | 3 Cuts | Knee Length

yfBottom_SkirtCalfStraight | 3 Cuts | Knee Length | Male variant also good

yfBottom_SkirtMaxi | 4 Cuts | Ankle Length | Male variant also good

cfBody_Sundress | 3 Cuts | Knee Length

cfBody_TowelPlush | 1 Cut | Knee Length

pfBody_DressScallop | 1 Cut | Knee Length

pfBottom_SkirtBow | 1 Cut | Knee Length

Suggested Clones for using the Foot and Toe Bones :

(only for floor length gowns that don't cover the feet)

yfBody_DressConcerto | 4 Cuts

Suggested Clone for when you need extra cuts:

yfBody_DressGranny | 8 Cuts