When you open
- [ ] Save as with test or copy in the name.
- I like to make a backup of the original mesh in case I mess up.
- [ ] Make notes of how many cuts there are and what the corresponding GEOM numbers are ( see Sims 4 Studio - Cut numbers: an easy explanation ).
- I like to write it down, but you can also use BG Mesh Cuts to confirm cut counts)
- [ ] Get rid of any unnecessary mesh cuts to make your workspace less cluttered. For example, if you are turning a dress into a top, you can get rid of the bottom cuts early on.
- Parts of the rig that I am not using (arms, hands, neck, ankles), I make into their own cut and hide while working on actual mesh. You can rejoin them later.
- [ ] Re-name cuts so they are easily identifiable.
Before you exit
- [ ] Make sure all double vertices have been removed.
- [ ] UV and UV 1 maps have both been updated with any welding of vertices.
- [ ] Confirm GEOM cut numbers are correct.
- [ ] Make sure you have a clean copy of the UV