A simple beginner-ish eyeshadow tutorial, it’s under the cut because it’s pretty long!

For this tutorial you need:Sims4Studio PhotoshopDDS plugin

Start out by opening up S4S, go to the left where it says CAS and choose Create CAS Standalone. Click on where it says “part type” scroll down to where it says Eye Shadow.

Find an eyeshadow you want to edit or recolor. You can check out the gender categories because sometimes all of them don’t show up directly but requires a certain gender. Choose a neutral light color, like a brownish or grayish tone. The color isn’t as important as the lightness though, it can be blue and light, but not brown and dark. I’m gonna use the eyeshadow below but you can choose whichever you want.

Click next (bottom right) and save & name it however you want.

Export the texture and name it “base” or something, remember to export it as a dds file, not png.

Open it up in photoshop.

If you’re only gonna recolor the tutorial you can ignore this next part and continue on after this next part, but if you’re gonna edit the alpha you need to read some tips okay.

The alpha layer determines where the eyeshadow is placed, how it looks and how much or how little it shows up. I can’t really tell you exactly how to edit the alpha but when you’ve opened the file up in PS go to the alpha layer (channels tab besides the layers to the right). Edit the alpha by using a soft brush or the smudge, burn & dodge tools. Play around and see how it looks. Save as a PSD a bit now and again and test it out in S4S by saving it as a dds. This might take ages tbh depending on how it goes and how it looks. Remember to only draw with black, white & gray and the lighter the color the more it’s gonna show up on the sim. Only edit the left part of the eyeshadow and then when you’re satisfied with how it looks follow this tutorial to mirror the alpha.

Now onto the recoloring part, there’s two ways you can do this, either by preserving the original texture or not.

If you’re not gonna preserve the texture you can just erase the texture and use the bucket tool and fill in the entire thing (not the alpha layer).

But if you want to preserve the texture you have do it another way!

Desaturate the texture (make it black & white) merge the layers down and make a new fill layer. Then where you see it says “Normal” above the layers, set that to overlay instead. (Check picture below)