In this short tutorial you’ll learn how to convert a part of an accessory to give it a solid transparent appearance; duplicating the look and material quality of glass. We’ll be using earrings as our example for this tutorial; however you my use any accessory.
Programs Required:
Sims 4 Studio any 2D editor with a DDS plugin and Blender 2.70
Tutorial Instructions:
1_ Open S4S > Create a new mesh
2_ The editor (S4S) will give us a variety of clothing, shoes, hair, and accessory options. Using the organization/search tabs we will select Female, Adult, and Accessory to find our earrings we wish to work on (these options can be changed depending on your personal goals while using this tutorial).
3_ Select the Diamond Accessory (earring); highlighting the item’s image. Upon selecting various colors from the same type/style, they too will be highlighted. This corresponds to the package’s color swatches options and textures.
Select Next to confirm and save into a package format.
4_ The 3D model will then be loaded, along with our color Swatches, Textures, and Meshes.
Export the textures of the accessory colors that you wish to use and save each into a DDS format. In my case I have acquired all of the colors available for my earrings because I wanted to convert each color. (You many use a custom texture which can be treated as a stand-alone texture for the earring/accessory).
Next step is to export one mesh of the earrings by using the mesh tab. By default it will set on LOD0 so there is no need to change. Exporting and saving will create a .blend format for this mesh.
5_ At this point we are done with this package, texture and mesh for our earrings. We now need a new base package with 2 geometries for each LOD. The best one to use is the package of the Sunglasses.
Repeating steps 2-4 for the Sunglasses, we then acquire and save the LOD0 mesh into .blend format. By now you will have 2 .blend files (earrings and sunglasses) and at least 1 texture of the earrings.
6_ Using Blender, open the earrings mesh and hide all the body parts of the mannequin.