In this part we’re going to cover adding custom interactions to existing objects.
By now I assume your up-to-speed on how to mod for the Sims 4 using python scripting which I already covered in part 1 & part 2. If you’re new to all of this I really recommend starting in part 1 and progressing through each part in order. At the very least the first 2 parts.
By this point I assume you knowthe basics, up until now that’s what we’ve been covering and we’ve been taking things really slowly because both of us are new to modding for this game. However there’s only so many overly simple projects we can make before it becomes repetitive and monotonous. I feel we’re at that point where we can start to do more, not a lot more, just a little more.
I’m going to start bringing in tuning files and other aspects to creating Sims 4 mods. Pure scripting mods are great but most mods create something and add scripting and other stuff to it and to do that there’s a few extra things that go into it which we will explorer over time in the intermediate parts.
Download Sims 4 Studio if you don’t already have it and install it. This can be rather intimidating at first but it’s actually fairly easy. There’s plenty of tutorials on how to use it online so I’m just going to cover what we need to know for this tutorial.
Sims 4 Studio is used for everything but Python scripting. There’s a ton of additional stuff besides scripting that can go into a mod and this program invaluably takes care of all it.
We need to gather a list of objects that our script will insert the custom interaction to. It can be anything but I decided on objects you sit on, because why not? This includes chairs, couches, etc… As long as it’s an object, though, you can pick anything under the sun, you don’t have to copy me.
Select Create 3D Mesh
and then click on Object
. We’re not actually interested in creating anything here, this is just temporary so that we can get a list of ids for our script.
I always select the Base Game
Game Pack and Content Game
because I don’t have dlc’s at the moment so I want to filter dlc content and any custom content.
Now search for anything you want, I’m going to search for some kind of sitting. We only need 1 single item because we’re going to use the item we pick out to find other items like it. This is just a starting point.
I’ve selected a random chair, lets proceed on. Click next.
It’s going to ask you to save it, remember this isn’t important at all so I just picked a gibberish name and dropped it in my Downloads folder.
Now either the Studio
tab will be open or the Warehouse
tab. I think it defaults to the Studio tab so this is probably what you’re seeing now if you’re copying me.
You need to be in the Warehouse tab though.
is the tab you go to most of the time because it makes things super easy. A package file often contains many files and you don’t really have to think about them much because Studio
will abstract all of that away and provide you with a pretty interface. You really have to admire the work that went into this program to make that happen.