A quick guide to uv_1 transfers! I won’t be convering anything else in this tutorial.

First, create your mesh, vertex paints, and weight paints. I’ll cover these in later guides. When your mesh is entirely done, and joined with EA’s mesh, you are ready to make a UV_1 transfer.

To do this, you need a REFERENCE MESH. Your reference mesh can be any mesh similar to your mesh. For example, if I were making some sort of big earrings, I would use EA’s hoop or dangle earrings as a reference. You can use custom content as a reference, as well, since we are only applying data to our mesh and not using creator meshes or works. Your reference should be similar in placement and size!

Once you’ve chosen a reference mesh, you must export it from S4S.


Now, open Blender to your nearly completed new mesh. In object mode, go to file > append…

…click append, and navigate to the reference mesh that you previously exported.

Select OBJECT…

And, select the object of the reference you are using. In this case, it’s s4studio_mesh1, but if you are making something with multiple studio parts, you would select the part you want to reference from. For example, glasses have two parts. You’d have to reference both parts, by repeating this guide with each studio part, individually.

Append from library.