Previous ← 3 - Meshing a (vintage) dress

As promised, today I’d like to show you one of my 2 favourite methods of meshing skirts in Blender. In case you forgot – it’s been some time since the last part – this is where we left our dress:

As you can see, the basic shape of the skirt is ready, but it looks rather like a stiff cone than something you’d wear. That’s exactly what we’re going to change.

Go to the front view (num 1).

Press t to unhide the left side bar (make sure your cursor is in the main window). Choose the first category (‘Tools’) and under 'Mesh Tools’, in the 'Add’ section, find 'Loop Cut and Slide’… Or just use the ctrl + r shortcut.

Remember what you did when you were meshing that cup with Blender Guru? Now we’re going to do exactly the same. There are two possibilities: either you put the loop in the right place from the start and then scale it to get the shape you want, or you first put it in the default place – in the middle – and then move that new loop. Whatever works better for you. For some reason, I prefer option no. 2, so that’s what I’m going to do.

If you have any vertices selected, deselect them (a). Click that 'Loop Cut and Slide’ button (or press ctrl + r) and place the cursor over your dress. You should see a pink, horizontal line.

Double click to put it in that default place.

Move it along the z axis (g, z) to give your skirt the desired shape (turn off proportional editing (alt + o) in case you used it last time and it’s still on!). Here’s what I got:

Obviously, the top part of the skirt still looks wrong. We need to repeat the same steps: deselect vertices (a), put another loop (ctrl + r) in the middle of the upper part and then move it (g, z) to the right place.

Tip: If you want to see how your skirt looks, but you’re not sure if you’re done with adjustments and don’t want to deselect the vertices just yet, just switch to Object Mode (tab). When you switch back to Edit Mode (tab), your vertices will still be selected.

If you think your dress still looks too blocky, repeat those same steps another time or two. I think I’ll add one more loop at the top.